Getting Down to Basic: Kokushu

Sake, shochu, and awamori are Japan’s three traditional alcoholic beverages. In Japanese, they are collectively called kokushu, which literally translates to “national alcoholic beverages”. They have common roots but are quite distinct from one another. Each offers unique flavors and intriguing possibilities for enjoyment, especially when it comes to pairing. All three are also attracting…

Getting Down to Basics: Awamori

Awamori, a distilled beverage native to Okinawa, is in the dawn of a possible renaissance. This past year, we took an extensive tour of many distilleries located on Japan’s southern islands and the experience was enlightening. As fans of indigenous beverages around the world seek out new things to imbibe, we think awamori may catch…

Getting Down to Basics: Shochu

Japan is a paradise of artisanal products and that of course includes beverages. One of its most overlooked outside of Japan, despite production and popularity nationwide, is shochu. It’s a distilled cousin of sake and–its fans would argue–just as versatile and enjoyable. First, shochu is only made in Japan. In this age of global beverages,…

Getting Down to Basics: Sake

Sake is Japan’s most famous indigenous alcoholic beverage and its popularity is growing around the world, as evidenced by booming exports and also the appearance of dozens of overseas breweries in North America, Europe, and even New Zealand. Geography, however, introduces an important point before we take you into the basics of sake. Another word…